1. Apabila kita bangun dari tidur sebaiknya minumlah segelas air kosong utk mencuci sistem penghadaman kita.
2. Buah-buahan yang kita ambil mestilah buah-buahan segar dan bukannya yang telah diproses seperti buah2an dalam tin atau yang telah dimasak.
3. Banyakkan hidangan buah2an dalam sehari...3 kali ke 5 kali sehari adalah baik untuk kesihatan. Sesuaikan dengan selera dan keperluan anda.
4. Buah2an seperti pisang, kismis dan kurma serta buah2an kering (contoh mangga, aprikots dsb) adalah lebih pekat dan akan kekal di dalam perut lebih lama berbanding buah-buahan berair dan segar. Oleh itu kita akan berasa kenyang lebih lama. Elakkan memakan buah2an kering yang diawet dengan sulfur nitrite. Perlu diingatkan yang kita boleh makan hidangan buah2an mengikut kehendak kita tetapi bagi buah2an kering ini jumlahnya perlu dihadkan kerana kita tidak boleh mengambilnya berlebihan.
5. Selepas kita minum jus iaitu yang tinggi kandungan air kita boleh mengambil makanan lain seleüas lebih kurang 10 ke 15 minit. Jika kita memakan buah2an kita perlu menunggu 30 ke 40 minit sela waktu. Tetapi jika kita makan buah pisang, kismis atau buah2an kering yg lain, kita perlu tunggu sehingga 40 ke 45 minit. Selepas kita makan sesuatu selain dari buah2an, kita mesti menunggu sehingga 3 jam sebelum mengambil jus atau hidangan buah2an.
7. Minumlah jus dengan perlahan-lahan kerana ini boleh mengelakkan dari mengalami ketidakselesaan perut. Kita bolehlah menganggap seolah-olah kita menguyah jus tersebut bagi memberi masa enzim di dalam air liur menghadamkannya.
Rujukan : http://www.enotalone.com/article/4153.html
Discover the secret to lifelong weight loss, wellness and longevity.
All-protein diets are so dangerous. They are classic, textbook examples of “weight loss at any cost.” They will result in weight loss, but it is with no regard for the damage that may be done to a person's health. Weight loss is achieved by so severely restricting carbohydrates that it tricks the body into thinking it's sick. Let me explain. If you look through the Merck Manual, which is an encyclopedia of the thousands of possible illnesses the human body can experience, you will notice that the one most common symptom of disease is the loss of appetite. The more catastrophic the disease (cancer, AIDS, etc.), the more likely there will be no appetite for food. The reason for this is obvious. When the body is sick it needs all the energy it can muster to heal itself. Since digestion requires so much energy, the appetite is shut down so available energy can be used for healing, not digestion.
When the body is fed lots of protein foods and simultaneously deprived of the carbohydrates it needs to carry out all the functions of life, two things happen. First, morning, noon and night the body is taxed and overworked by having to expend so much of its available energy converting the protein into the carbohydrates it needs. Second, the body, which essentially feels threatened because it doesn't have the fuel energy it needs to sustain itself, shuts down the appetite, as though it were sick, as it tries to conserve what energy it has. Weight is lost, but overall health progressively and steadily deteriorates because the body is consistently deprived of the one most important food for fuel: carbohydrates.
Even starches (pasta, bread, grains, etc.), which are at least already carbohydrates, unlike protein and fats, also have to go through a conversion process, because all starches are polysaccharides and can only be made available to the body (brain) in the form of glucose after they have been converted into monosaccharides. Again, an energy-intensive process.
Quiz time! Guess what one food in all the natural world is a monosaccharide without having to go through even the least bit of conversion to be so? Yes! That's right, fruit! A+ for you. The sugar in fruit, namely fructose (not porktose you notice), passes through the stomach and is absorbed through the walls of the intestines without undergoing any digestion. This leaves a great surplus of body energy available for living and all the activities that make living a joy. So not only does fruit not require any energy to be broken down, but it makes energy available faster and more efficiently than any other food in existence-an unbeatable combination.
In the vast array and variety of foods in the human diet, fruit stands entirely alone in its uniqueness. All foods-all-require time in the stomach for digestion. All except fruit.
The more quickly and efficiently food leaves the stomach the better. Why? Ever notice how tired you are after a big meal? Think back to last Thanksgiving. Ever hear of the afternoon siesta? The reason you feel tired after eating is because food in the stomach is a number-one priority in the body. The more you eat and the longer it has to stay in the stomach, the more energy you have to use and the more tired you will be.
Here's something you probably didn't know: Digestion requires more energy than anything else you can do. All the energy your body will use to digest the approximately seventy tons of food you will eat in this lifetime is more than all the energy you will expend for everything else in your lifetime combined! You don't have to have an IQ over 200 to figure out that anything you can do to optimize the efficiency of your digestive processes would be an extremely wise thing to do.
There are many ironies in this life we are all journeying through, and I can think of no other irony more bewildering than the one associated with the lack of high regard for the one food that most surely deserves it more than any other. Here is a line of reasoning that we may consider with profit: Whereas it follows that fruit, fulfilling the requirement for nutrients and energy more fully and perfectly than any other food, could reasonably be expected to comprise the bulk of our diet, does it not speak loudly to the abnormality of our Western diet that fruit is relegated to the last place on the menu as almost an afterthought, and is all too often used merely for ornamental purposes?
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